the lies anxiety tells us
The lies anxiety tells us, with bits of science thrown in.
It should come as little surprise that your brain is the source of your anxiety. Not only does anxiety manifest itself in thoughts – it also affects your brain chemistry in a way that can alter future thoughts and affect the way your entire body operates.
Your brain responds directly to neurotransmitters – little chemicals inside your body that send messages to your brain about how you should feel, think, act, and more. Many neurotransmitters have been linked to anxiety, including: Serotonin, GABA, Norepinephrine
When it comes to neurotransmitter production, the truth is that cause and effect are rarely known. It's often impossible to distinguish between poor neurotransmitter balance as a result of life experience, or poor neurotransmitter balance as a result of genetics. Both can occur in anyone living with anxiety, and in some cases, a combination of both may be responsible for anxiety symptoms.
Anxiety isn't just a mental state; it is a physiological response that primes our body for fight or flight. Our brains, in an effort to safeguard us, release stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. While these responses can be lifesaving in true emergencies, how often are we actually in those situations?
Living in a constant state of high alert can wreak havoc on our mental and physical well-being.
So how can we change that?
Identify the troublesome thoughts
Reframe the situation
Analyze and reassure
The Deceptive Web: Anxiety's Whisper
Anxiety is a master of deception, convincing us that danger is everywhere, even when it's not. It speaks in a voice that distorts reality, magnifying our worries and creating scenarios that are far from the truth. "What if" becomes its favorite phrase, leading us down a path of overthinking and self-doubt. Remember, anxiety's whispers are not facts, but the product of an overactive mind trying to protect us.
🧠 1. Hijacked Attention: Anxiety has a knack for hijacking our attention, making us focus intensely on potential threats. This narrowed focus blocks out the positives, making the world seem much darker than it truly is.
💬 2. Negative Self-Talk: Those inner voices fueled by anxiety? They're not our friends. Anxiety fuels self-doubt and negative self-talk, eroding our self-esteem and confidence.
🌀 3. Spiral of Overthinking: Anxiety loves to set our minds on a never-ending spiral of "what if" scenarios. This rumination steals our present joy and keeps us trapped in a cycle of distress.
🌊 4. The Physical Tide: Anxiety's effects ripple through our bodies – tense muscles, rapid heartbeats, shallow breaths. This constant state of tension can lead to exhaustion and impact our overall health.
🌈 5. Embracing Hope: Remember, you're not alone in this journey, I'm here to help you see through anxiety's illusions.
Through Techniques like mindfulness and therapy we can begin to examine these thought distortions and build your resilience, enabling you to reassure yourself against the anxiety gremlins. Self-compassion can empower you to regain control over your mind and thoughts.
Gemma Sands